Yesterday, my dh and I went to see our dear friends, Ron and Linda, who are back in Canada after 14 months' absence on the mission field. What a joy to spend a day with these gifts from the God Who ordained that we would meet 12 years ago. Since then, our friendship has deepened to the point that we just take up where we left off after long absences, with no sense of strangeness or any kind of barriers at all!
I think this is the case primarily because we are Christians, and our fellowship is on a deep and profound level. Yes, we talk about the kids and mundane things like our homes and our schedules, but it is always with a sense that God is in control, that we are aware of His presence and His leading, and that our brief but wonderful meetings are like an oasis in the desert, something to treasure in this journey called life.
I feel privileged to see how the Lord has blessed their ministry overseas. He is using Ron to train leaders and teach them solid Biblical principles that change people's lives, leading them to understand their hearts before God and His sovereign control of everything, in spite of circumstances. He is using Linda as a helpmeet to Ron, and in ministry to orphans and young people in a country that has been torn by strife.
I feel refreshed and encouraged in my life just from one day spent conversing with two of God's chosen treasures.
Thank You, Lord, for bringing Ron and Linda into our lives. You used them to change our entire outlook on life, to deepen our understanding of You and Your word, to strengthen our marriage and other relationships. You allowed us to develop a friendship, then watch as You led them into missionary life and worked out every detail for them to be able to move and be in ministry in such a short time! It was truly amazing to behold! And You have blessed them so much in their life overseas - Lord, continue this blessing, I pray. Give them wisdom as they deal with people who do not have a great grasp of Scriptural principles. Open the eyes of their understanding, Lord. Bless their language studies, as well, and help them to be able to communicate with the people they love. Thank You that you have given them a love for the language! Just help them to comprehend more and more, then to bravely use their speech in public situations!
Oh, Lord, thank you for these dear friends, and for our satisfying encounter!
In Christ, I pray. Amen.
Welcome Spring Without the Bins
11 hours ago
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