Latin English
caput head
scapulae, scapula shoulders, shoulder
genua, genu knees, knee
digiti, digitus toes, toe
oculi, oculus eyes,eye
aures, auris ears, ear
os mouth
nasum nose
caput, scapulae, genua et digiti, genua et digiti, genua et digiti
caput, scapulae, genua et digiti,
oculi, aures, os, nasumque.
Welcome Spring Without the Bins
11 hours ago
Hi Janet,
Whilst thoroughly enjoying the latin stuff, I have to say I have been reduced to tears of laughter by the anonymous spammer who thought you might be troubled with back Hair..ROFLOL.
Libbie x
p.s. you know you can kick these guys into touch with a letter filter thingy...
Janet, Caput scapulae (Head and Shoulders) turns out to be exactly what I am looking for, for my site home school cirriculums . With your permission, I would like to publish it.
I was searching for home school books, and came to your site Janet. After reading Caput scapulae (Head and Shoulders), I could really use this on my site, home school books, with your permission of course.
Well done on a nice blog Janet. I was searching for information on and ran across your post Caput scapulae (Head and Shoulders) - not exactly what I was looking for related to but a very interesting read all the same!
Libbie, I HAD to leave the back hair removal offer in place, after reading it in disbelief, then reading your comment!! LOL!! I haven't been checking up on my blog lately (obviously) and I certainly haven't posted enough. But now, I will do better, I promise, or I may end up with offers for nose hair removal or some other wierd thing.
Love, Janet (still LOL)
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