Parenting rebellious or wayward children is one of the most difficult things God calls us to do. I know. I am the mother of a couple of girls who turned their backs on all they had been taught, and strove to find life in relationships rather than in Christ.
I am here to remind parents that even when their precious children are in the throes of wicked, rebellious behaviour, God is still in control!
I wrote to one such mom:
"God is still in control. He has ordered your daughter's steps. She has lessons to learn that she can only learn while in rebellion, perhaps. It is easy for a parent to despair when their child does things that are contrary to everything they have taught, but you must learn to step back and see the big picture.
Look at the story of Esther. If I were Esther's mom, would I thinkthat it was a good thing for my daughter to be taken into a *harem*??? Would I think that her marriage to a pagan, brutal king was something to celebrate?Yet God was ordering her steps for a purpose.
God, in His perfect providence, gave Esther beauty above all of the other women. God caused the heart of the king to turn towards her. Mordecai, her uncle, "just happened" to be sitting in the gates and "just happened"to overhear a plot to kill the king, and was able to tell his niece,who just happened to be in a position to warn the king.When the king couldn't sleep, and asked for the record to be read tohim, his servant just happened to read the story relating to Mordecai.When the king decided to honour Mordecai, wicked Haman just happened to be in the court. The king just happened to decide to ask Haman what kind of honour should be bestowed on a man the king delights to honour!
Later, when Esther pointed out that wicked Haman was the one who planned to kill her and all her people, the king left the room in a fury. He just happened to come back in just as Haman had just happened to lose his balance and land on the Queen!
Read the book of Esther, and marvel at the Providence of God! Then remember that God is the same; He never changes. He is ordering the steps of your daughter, just as He has ordered all of your steps, all of my steps...and all for the good of those who love Him, of those who are the called according to His purpose!
We have gone through some very difficult trials with our older daughters, but I am here to tell you that God has blessed tremendously. He really does restore the years the locusts have eaten away. Christians who rebel and are led to repentance understand more of God's mercy and more of His grace. They stand in awe...Who is a Pardoning God like thee??? Or who has grace so rich and free?
Lord, thank You that You are in control. Thank You that nothing ever surprises You, and that You are always working in the hearts of the kings and the peasants, in order to bring what You have planned to fruition. You are a trustworthy Father, and all those who put their trust in You shall be kept safe.
Lord, You know the way that I take. You also know the path my children will walk on. I pray that You will lead them in an upright and godly path. I pray that You will pour out grace on their lives, and that each one will marry a godly spouse and raise up children that will shine like stars in the universe.
If any of my loved ones rebel, chastise them and bring them back, according to Your great mercy. Thank You that when they see the light, they will also see more of Your amazing grace. Your mercy endures forever!
In Christ,
Weekend A La Carte (February 22)
16 hours ago
Janet, I have a 13-year old who has the smartest mouth and the most disrespectful, rebellious demeanor. I don't know where she is headed, but your post gave me such peace and reassurance. Thank you.
Hi Janet!
An OT comment to give you a heads up!A blessed evening to you and yours!
Thank you for this post...I really needed to read it just today.
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