It was another stressful day, here in the Billson home. Rick's truck is still in the garage, and last we heard they hoped to begin work on it today. It doesn't look good. At least a costly head gasket, and maybe much more.
There are other things going on that make us wonder if the Lord is going to send a major trial our way.
Isn't it strange that the imagination runs wild as soon as something goes wrong? We know that the Lord is Jehovah-Jireh, the Provider. We know that He promised never to leave us, nor forsake us. We know that God is good, and that He sends the wind, streams, rain, floods, and even the hail and tornadoes into our lives to train us in righteousness. And yet, we wonder. The what-if's start flooding in. Sleepless nights follow. That knot in the pit of the stomach becomes familiar. But, we know better.
I was reading about Abram going down to Egypt. God protected Sarai, even when Abram foolishly and fearfully required her to sin by not admitting she was his wife. God shows His power in watching over His people.
Then, later on, when Abram went back to the Land of Promise, and Lot's men were squabbling with his men, Abram didn't hold on to what may have been rightfully his. He let Lot take what seemed to be the best way, and God blessed Abram. Abram had gold, and animals, and many fact, enough servants to muster over 300 men to go and rescue Lot when he was captured.
God gave Abram the victory, in spite of great odds against him. Five kings surely had many men and many weapons, but God intervened on Abram's behalf.
So, why should I worry? I am God's child, and all of His promises apply to me.
If God chooses to take away our income, or to take away someone I love (I am thinking of dear Heather Davis who recently was bereaved of her beloved husband) it will be okay. In the end, God will make all things right. At the time of the trial, He always shows Himself faithful. I have been a Christian for over 31 years, and THIS I KNOW!
About half way through the day, I won this skirmish. I was able, by God's grace, to categorically deny the whispered lies of the evil one. I was enabled to stand against the fiery darts that told me all was lost, that we were undone, that great trials were coming and there was nothing I could do.
I put on the breastplate of righteousness, and shod my feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace. I girded my loins with the belt of truth (God is good! He will provide! He knows our needs!), put on my helmet of salvation, reminding myself that without my Saviour, I am undone...but that He is the One who saves, and grabbed the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. The shield of my faith went up, and my heart was turned towards the Living God.
Though He slay me, yet I will trust in Him.
Weekend A La Carte (February 22)
16 hours ago
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