Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Sewing with the girls!

I have two sewing machines. One is my original, purchased 33 years ago. It's an Omega, with a zig-zag, straight stitch, button-hole, and a few "fancy" stitches. The other sewing machine is a
White, which is at least as old as my Omega. It was purchased at a garage sale for $35, and that included a solid cabinet.

I have been wanting to teach the girls to sew for quite some time. Today, I sat them down and had Linda read the manual for the White, pointing out all of the parts to the girls. Then, Linda hemmed a pair of shorts for Patrick, and I helped Tiana make a little bag out of the cut-offs.

Meanwhile, I was sewing a bag out of a couple of pairs of jeans. I had fun deciding how I was going to do it. It turned out fine, with pockets inside and out, because I added the backside of a second pair of jeans to the original shorts I was working with. I lined part of the inside of the bag with soft red satin. Tomorrow Daniel is going to cut a piece of plastic siding to fit into the bottom of the bag, so it has a more solid bottom. I'll cover the plastic with denim, too.

This is what it looks like (sorry they're sideways) :

The first one is the back of the bag:And this one is the front of the bag:


Kim from Canada said...

I am also working on teaching my 8 yr. old about sewing - this isn't easy when I am learning at the same time. But that is what homeschooling is all about, right? I just have to stay a few steps ahead of her in the lessons! Thanks for the project idea.

(BTW, I get the feeling that you are a night owl like myself - I stopped by your site around 10pm, but didn't have time to read and this post wasn't here then. Now that I have read - off to bed :)

Janet said...

Hi, Kim. You'll have to post some pictures of your projects. Tiana's little bag is cute, and I would have posted a picture of it, but she was in bed when I was blogging.

I am not really a night owl, but I am married to one. I am usually in bed by 11:30, just after watching news. But I will wander out to my computer and post a blog late at night, just before bed. That's what I did last night!

However, I am truly a morning person.